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Ways to Give

"Whoever sows generously will also reap generously." 2 Corinthians 9:6
We believe in the truth of this verse, as we see the fruits of past and present generosity in the faces of the precious children who walk through the doors each day. These gifts have enabled Marion Academy to cultivate a refined vision for providing a quality education that prioritizes Christ, community, and experiential learning to the children of Perry County, Alabama and beyond.



Gifts of cash are greatly appreciated. Thank you. Your check may be made payable to Marion Academy, and mail to:


Marion Academy

505 Washington Street

Marion, AL 36756


Gifts may be made online, as well. If you would like to give through our secure online giving site, please click here. 


Pledge now or pay in installments. You can set up installments through our secure online donation site. Our fiscal year ends June 30th each year.

Legacy Planning

You may also support our school through your will or legacy plan. Gifts made through your will or living trust can provide considerable future tax benefits, which allow more of your assets to pass to those you care about, while continuing to support Classical Christian education in Marion.


We are always looking for volunteers to help with projects and names to add to our substitute teacher pool. 


*Please note that volunteers may be subject to background checks depending on amount of interaction with children or presence on campus.


You can help us spread the word by sharing the facts about our school. 


One way you can partner with what we are doing at Marion Academy is to pray with us regularly as we seek to follow God's calling for our school. 

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